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My passion is code quality, automated testing, software craftsmanship.

Markdown blogging on an iPad

I just installed the Editorial app on my new iPad and using a bluetooth keyboard for typing. Yay! Blogging is possible on an iPad!

Editorial is a markdown editor for iPad ($6.99). On Windows 8, I used MarkdownPad 2 Pro ($14.99) for markdown preview. On Mac OS X, I use SublimeText along with Marked 2 ($9.99) to preview the Markdown text occasionally.

If you’re a developer and you’re not using Markdown everywhere yet, you don’t know what you’re missing! :-)

The Editorial app easily syncs with Dropbox, so I should be able to set up my GitHub Pages git repository (or at least a symlink to my drafts folder) in the appropriate Dropbox directory, and then I should have a pretty good workflow for writing blogpost drafts on the iPad. Then I can preview it on the Mac when I’m ready to publish and push to the GitHub repo to publish my blog post.