Gert Lombard's Blog     About     Archive     Feed
My passion is code quality, automated testing, software craftsmanship.

Moving my blog from

Hi There! I’m Gert Lombard, a computer nerd from South Africa now living in the San Francisco Bay Area.

I’ve had several “blogs” over the years since 1998. I’ve tried using Blogger, WordPress, Orchard CMS, a self-hosted website on RedHat linux with static html files (running from my living room), and before that Xoom and Tripod in the early days. I hosted Radon BBS (with a good friend of mine) way before the Internet even existed commercially in South Africa! :-)

Ever since the BBS days in the early 90’s, I’ve liked the idea of having an online presence. The thing I just haven’t figured out yet, is what exactly the point of this presence is! I think it’s mostly to entertain myself and to collect a few random ideas to refer to later myself. If someone happens to come across a page here and finds it useful, that’s awesome!

This here site is my current web presence. Thank you for looking! Let me know if you have feedback, questions or ideas for me.